Saturday, November 21, 2015

Day Twenty-Nine: Penultimate Post

The weather turned again, and the cold rains returned to Boston. The frigid wind reminded us that winter is well on its way.
The bleak and cold of winter recall the cycle of life, that death comes upon us all, in the words of one seminarian.

It is of endings that this post speaks. My time here is nearly over. I hope I have been able to help these seminarians in some way, and I hope that my writing has shed some light on the activities and actual events in Boston.

It is my hope that Bishops Williamson and/or Faure may accept the invitation to OLMC seminary. It was good to see Bishop Williamson when he visited in November 2013. It would be great to see him return.
It is clear that the Church requires more priests. Without priests, there can be no Masses. That would be an intolerable situation, putting it mildly.

The seminary has been ridiculed for many reasons, a few of which are understandable, but others which are entirely fabricated and are therefore unjust. The aim of the just criticisms include the strengthening of the seminary, so that it may produce good fruits, and give honor and glory to God. This is an admirable effort to follow the will of God.

One important aim of the unjust criticisms is the termination of the seminary. It is important to understand that not all those who criticize or accuse the seminary do so with the best intentions. Their words are the smoke that conceals the truth under a hotbed of lies. Caution is advised.

I hope the seminary will continue long beyond my thirty days. I pray that the seminary may produce nothing but good fruit. I do not worry about the future of the seminarians, for God will guide them through to whatever end He desires. Pray, hope and do not worry.

God willing, this will not be the end.


  1. I am concerned for the welfare of my children receiving sacraments from Bishop Faure, has Bishop Faure publicly renounced the accusations against him?
